Praise God!! Mom came home from the hospital this evening around 6PM!!

She is doing very well…still very tired, and obviously still sore. However, the pain is more controlled and her nauseousness has not been a problem for a while. She has eaten well today, and seems to have more energy.

Pray that she’ll rest well tonight in her own bed. She needs all the rest she can get so she can heal well, and hopefully she’ll be able to do that better at home than in the hospital.

An update on the oncologist…he came early this morning and chatted with my parents and siblings. Unfortunately, he did not have all of the pathology reports he needed in order to make a final decision about her treatment in the future. So, for now, he wants her to just focus on healing, and she has an appointment with him next Wednesday. We’ll know more then about her future treatment, and we’re anxious to hear what his thoughts are. Please continue to pray for wisdom as he assesses her cancer.

There’s lots more that I’d like to write, but honestly, my mind is not quite focusing tonight. Maybe it’s pregnancy brain! 🙂

I’ll end with a link to a powerful song that has meant lots to me yesterday and today. Thank you to some friends who visited mom in the hospital last night and shared this song with us. Take a listen, and maybe it will bless you as it has blessed me.