My most favorite Christian author is Sally Clarkson…I would HIGHLY recommend her books to any mommies out there wanting to learn from an amazing Christian woman about the joys of motherhood.

Her blog stuck a chord in my heart last night as I read it, and I wanted to journal about it.

I am becoming the nervous-nelly mother about sending my little girl to Kindergarten in August. I NEVER dreamed I’d be the mother who would get all emotional and worried, but I am! So many thoughts run through my head:

-Is she ready?

-Is public school the right choice for our family?

-Will she get overlooked in the classroom?

-Will she like school, or hate it like I used to?

-What kinds of inappropriate things will she be introduced to in school? And, will she have the wisdom to sort through those things Biblically?

The last worry is the one that troubles me most often. I don’t think I’m a over-protective mother, but there are certain things I do not want my child hearing, doing, ect. I often wonder if Jayda is strong enough to withstand some of the peer pressure that accompanies school…maybe not in Kindergarten, but there certainly are pressures within the school atmosphere.

Sally Clarkson both challenged me and put my heart as ease with her article last night. She talked about this exact thing I worry about. She said:

“In this world, at this time, the world will sing an alluring song. It is ours (parents) to figure out how to sing a more beautiful song.”

I want our home to sing a more beautiful song than any school, friend, or other outside influence. I desperately want my children to love being at home…to find solace and rest…to know that God’s love abounds in every nook and cranny of this house. I want them to desire nothing less than serving Him with their entire hearts, and seeing first-hand that mommy and daddy try so hard to do the same.

Now my challenge is figuring out how to make a home that looks like that, and I know I have a ways to go! I am challenged to love my girls more each day, and to show them in new and meaningful ways. Sometimes the pressures of life distract me from the joy of simply being a mommy to my precious girls, and I so badly want to stop succumbing to those pressures.

What new way can I show them my love today? Plan for the day…throw caution to the wind and skip nap time, get the girls a McDonald’s Happy Meal after we pick Jayda up from preschool, and take them on a fun mommy/daughter outing to the Animal Rescue League. That may not sound like a big deal, but my girls LOVE doing all three of those things and don’t get to do them very often. Will I regret it tonight when we have tired girls on a fast-food high who are begging us to go back and get the dog that I’m sure they’ll fall in love with this afternoon? Probably!! 🙂 But, at least they’ll know that their mommy loves spending time with them and doing the things that they enjoy!